Let me introduce the Ix, lovable green guys, basically my take on orcs. Later on I'll stick in some of the material from my story bible about them, as long as there aren't too many spoilers.
The idea was to think of orcs as a created race, a kind of medieval supersoldier or replicant. This makes a lot of the ethnic slurs in Tolkien et al a whole lot more offensive, if that's possible. So you have a slave race, genetically engineered and they are the bad guys, apparently. Humans however are genetically pure. Now where else have I heard those ideas?
Why are they green? Don't know yet, maybe they photosynthesise?
That was a glib joke about photosynthesis but during the day it had me thinking. The Feygrimm are a symbiotic species part human (ish) part plant. Maybe the Ix have some traits in common. After all, Tolkien's orcs were supposed to be degraded elves.