Thursday, March 24, 2011


Well, I have done both censored  and uncenosred versions of the new character design for Raoul, the missionary who comes into chapter 4, in a big way.  Actually chapter 4 looks like growing into a 'full length' 22 page story if I'm going to be able to include all the background stuff as well as the sex. 

As you will see Raoul is of noble birth, but was brought up as a monk because his physical imperfection (relatively speaking) makes him an outcast in Weare society.   He's been brought up with all the moral repression, and locked into a 'purity shield' but as you will see he isn't really cut out for a life of celibacy.

He's going to develop a relationship with Sabre which will put some interesting spins on the Nax/Sabre relationship and lets me explore what jealousy, intimacy, etc mean for the Ix.

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