Thursday, February 23, 2012

Happy belated Valentines to all, except the Australian government

A heartfelt if extremely late Valentines wishes to you all.

I've been struggling with the new chapter of Crooked Sabre, and working on this picture I've figured out why.  Chapter 4 is about Raul, a young missionary who comes to the land of the Ix seeking converts, but you can guess what happens instead.

My problem is this.  Raul is young, probably late teens early 20s, definately over the age of consent (for what that means in a fantasy medieval world!!) but Australia's censorship laws are so fucked, that if someone viewing it even THINKS he's under 18, it is a criminal offence.

Yes I know, he is a drawing, he doesn't actually have an age...

They've even ruled that small breasts in hetero porn amount to child porn.  So you can see how hard it is to draw a guy who is young and substantially smaller than the other characters (cos they're not human, duh) and not have some censorship fuckwit somewhere decide this is really some kind of child porn.   And even with the best arguments in the world, you aren't going to get a fair trial once you've been charged.  

So yeah, I'm feeling pretty blocked about the next chapter.

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